Sunday, September 19, 2010

Skills Letter

Here is another assignment for my class. I am writing a cover letter for a job as an athletic trainer with the skills that I have right now...

Having spent the majority of my life unfit, in recent years I have spent a lot of time educating myself on what is healthy for your body and actively putting what I have learned and applying it to my daily life. With seeing the results of my education and work, I have the desire to share that with others who struggle with weight. Because of this I will be able to understand each patient I see and will be able to relate with them and teach them the skills they need to acquire to be healthy active people.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Top 10 Values

For one of my classes I am required to start a blog, write a mission statement, and post my top 10 values. I will every once and a while be required to add things to that blog. Since this is my own personal blog and not my family blog I will just use this one for my career portfolio. If you choose not to read these things, that is fine, and if you do, you will get to know a deeper me. (lucky you!)

Choosing my top ten values was really not that hard for me. Putting them in order of their importance to me was the most difficult. I am glad that this class has forced me to write down my values and their order of importance to me. It might give my friends a deeper look into who I am and what is important to me. So here goes nothing.

1. Passion- Passion is important to me because it is what drives me. If I am not passionate about something, I don’t really care about it. I tend to get passionate about everything that I learn. This is why it is the number one on my list. It is by far the most important to me and the thing that drives me the most.

2. Relationships- Whether it is spending time with family or friends, I love being around people. I am rarely shy and LOVE meeting new people. I also love to force myself to get out of my own comfort zone and learn about new people. There is such an energy that you get from being around others. To me it’s like food.

3. Education and Teaching- There is something about my kids learning new things that bring me a type of joy that is unexplainable. I love seeing the "light go on" and seeing their excitement as they figure new things out and the pride they take and feel in accomplishing something. I think as adults we tend to not give ourselves enough credit for our hard work. My kids are constant reminders that it is exciting to learn new things and we should be proud of it! I love to learn new things and enjoy making myself a well rounded person.

4. Freedom &

5. Independence- I believe that these two things are very similar and go hand in hand. I love to do stuff just for me. As a woman in Utah I feel the same pressure most Utah women feel to be perfect all the time. I play so many different types of roles all day long I tend to lose myself. By doing things just for me (even if its 20 minutes in the bathroom reading in the tub) I love doing things just for me because it makes all the other roles I fill so much easier to do. I am able to do them with enthusiasm and excitement, rather than dread the next task at hand. Having a freedom and independence I am able to all in all be a better me!

6. Health &

7. Personal appearance- I love to workout. I also love to learn about our bodies, they way they work and how we can make them faster, stronger, healthier. I am a health education junkie. I love going to the library and reading on all the different theories on health and fitness. I can talk about it forever, to anyone and am a strong believer that ANYONE if they put their mind and have their heart in it can be healthy fit people. (and still enjoy the brownie every now and then)

8. Sense of accomplishment &

9. Achievement – There is nothing better than working hard at something and then seeing the end product knowing that you did that, you changed it, you made that difference. Getting that recognition from others is empowering and life changing. It drives you to keep making a difference and working hard to make a change. Even if that recognition comes from within, just the sense of accomplishment is well worth all the hard work and effort.

10. Financial comfort- This may be the #1 thing for many people. While this is important to me, it is the last on my list because there are many other things that bring me happiness other than money. It still made my top ten though because let’s be honest, I love shopping and I love dressing my kids in cute clothes as well as be able to afford to go on vacations and have nice things. This does sound a little vain, but ultimately I would love to be able to financially be able to do the essential things in life as well as be a little extravagant. Having a job that I love and one that will bring me financial comfort would be the best job in the world.

So there you have it, my top 10 values. I think that over time these values will not change maybe their priority will change, but not the value itself.