Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mr. Roonie and Spiders

This is Mr. Roonie. He LOVES spiders.
His favorite song is Itsy Bitsy Spider. He even does all the actions.
He always comes running when he pretends to see a spider.

This morning he really saw one.. two.. three.. four... and FIVE!

Now we are both sitting on the couch away from the spiders.
I hate spiders.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Need for Speed

I love to drive. I love even more to drive fast. About 5 years ago I got 3 speeding tickets in less than 6 months. Needless to say my need for speed has been drained on by the cost of speeding... higher insurance, plus the costs of tickets. WOW! I cant wait until October when our insurance rate will be $10 a month cheaper because I will be ticket free for 5 years! WAHOO!!! (knocking on wood)
The Bretster and I use to joke about stupid drivers all the time by finishing our conversation with "and I'm/you're the one that gets tickets". And after almost 5 years I think I am slowly changing my mind its just people who don't pay attention. I am SO SO guilty of texting and driving

Yesterday I had a very interesting experience at my crosswalk. Yeah, yeah you are all jealous that I am a cross guard and you're not. Up until yesterday I was a rover... meaning I did crosswalks all over filling in the spot of the others who took days off. Now I have my very own crosswalk and I was lucky to start it off with a motorcycle cop radaring for speeders. I was only there 10 minutes before he pulled someone over! Which is great because hardly ANYONE slows down in school zones. People SLOW DOWN! It was this way nice new VW. The cop wrote the ticket and went back to place when this Asian man on his cell phone approaches me. I think nothing of it since I am in the inner city of Salt Lake so there are always a lot of adults not just kids that cross at crosswalks. He then asks me where the school zone lights are. AH!!! This is the guy in the VW. He then proceeds to tell me he was on the phone with the court because he didn't see any school zone lights. Um.. really? The lights are the biggest ones I have seen in the city limits! Then asks if they are on! I show him where the lights are and tell him that yes they are on. This man starts to walk away kindly saying thanks and then goes and checks to see if the lights really were on. SERIOUSLY?!?!

Okay, so maybe people who get tickets are those who don't pay attention while driving!!

Monday, April 12, 2010


I just loved this article today on msn!

After church the Bretster and I were watching the Masters. I don't get why anyone would want that UGLY green jacket.. the money okay.. the jacket... EWW!
On the 18th hole after Mickelson won he walked into the crowd embraced his wife Amy and kissed her. It was a touching moment. You could tell the two of them truly cared for one another. A moment that the world got to see, yet it was so personal, as if the two of them were there with no one around. It was special and a moment I will always remember.

This isn't from yesterday, but I still LOVE it!

What are the things that you love most about your spouse?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Butts and Guts

My friend asked me to go to butts and guts with her. Feeling super ambitious Wednesday I agreed to go.
Today is Friday and I can barely walk up and down my stairs. How many weeks of this class do I do before I get a butt like this or even the body that goes with it...

A girl can dream right...

I'll be back Wednesday anyone else want to join us?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Beginning

Where to start? First I guess I will start with a little bit about me. I am a 20 something, wife, stay at home mom of 2, cross guard by trade, soon too be full time student. I enjoy music, time with family and friends, trying to make other laugh and sleep.. mostly sleep. I love a clean house though mine is rarely clean anymore. Pink is my favorite color.... Pink it was love at first sight. *I am totally singing the song out loud right now* ...... I love to argue, not to be angry though. I love to argue so someone will talk me out of whatever ridiculous idea I have come up with or to tell me that I am overreacting. In three words I am outgoing, extreme, passionate.

This blog is about me, my life, the things I find funny, the reasons I enjoy life.

Right now as I am typing Mr. Roonie (Tait), is sitting next to me trying to fit his big toe in his ear. Maybe I'll try it with him....