Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Beginning

Where to start? First I guess I will start with a little bit about me. I am a 20 something, wife, stay at home mom of 2, cross guard by trade, soon too be full time student. I enjoy music, time with family and friends, trying to make other laugh and sleep.. mostly sleep. I love a clean house though mine is rarely clean anymore. Pink is my favorite color.... Pink it was love at first sight. *I am totally singing the song out loud right now* ...... I love to argue, not to be angry though. I love to argue so someone will talk me out of whatever ridiculous idea I have come up with or to tell me that I am overreacting. In three words I am outgoing, extreme, passionate.

This blog is about me, my life, the things I find funny, the reasons I enjoy life.

Right now as I am typing Mr. Roonie (Tait), is sitting next to me trying to fit his big toe in his ear. Maybe I'll try it with him....

1 comment:

  1. I think you are just great! I am excited to follow this blog as well.
