Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh how I Love Chi

My Chi died today.
I am very sad.
I wish I had a lot of money to buy a brand spankin' new one.
I guess I will get the off brand... Sad.

My chi has taught me many life lessons.
I don't have to ever have frizzy hair ever again
She alone can fix ANY bad hair day
A day without her is a day gone to waste
She curled, straightened, flattened, and flipped my hair almost everyday she was in my care.
I will miss her so much!!


  1. There will be a moment of silence for the Chi this afternoon at 5 pm. All those that can attend are welcome. If you can not attend please please take a moment to remember the Chi! Candles are welcome as well.

  2. Ha, ha. You are so funny. I've never had a CHI before but you've definitely sold me on it!
