Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Little Letter and Some Pictures

I have been hit by the organization bug. Thank goodness though, because my house is in some serious need of TLC. Today I condensed 3 tubs of my stuff into 1! Bret will not believe it when he gets home. I had a blast going through some old pictures from middle school, high school and college. They brought back so many memories, some bittersweet, some made me giggle and others made me cry.

I touched things that now have more meaning since some of these things are from or belonged to people have left this earth; my grandparents, a friend from middle school and most recently my dearest Ester or Sue.

I came across this little note from my Grandma Georgie, my moms mom, and laughed at what she had written and mailed just to me.

Dear Alicen,
I'm so happy you sing so well - Do you sing at home when you're helping your mother? I hope so -
Grandma George

I really hope that my mom sends letters like these to my kids one day.

I dont know how I reacted when I got this letter. I am sure I rolled my eyes, thinking I was the best daughter my mother had, and didn't need to sing while I slaved for my mom. Now I wish she was around still to send this to my sister (9).

Monday, February 14, 2011


Today has hardly been a day of love for me.
Its been the day from HELL.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
The End.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Things I Dont Want to Forget

Wow. The last few months have just FLOWN by! So many things have happened that are 'blog worthy' as the Mr. likes to say. Since I don't want to forget about them, but also do not have a lot of time to write I will make a list and hopefully (with my fingers crossed) get to them soon.

  • the lady at Micheals accusing me of stealing
  • shot-gun wedding and making my very first wedding cake
  • throwing up on the sidewalk (a side effect of morning sickness)
  • the watersoaked bathroom
  • febreze anyone?
  • funny things my kids have said
In closing I will tell a short story about Mr. Roonie. He has been quite a handful lately, mischievous, destructive, relentlessly getting into things that not only does he know he shouldn't be getting into, but playing with and destroying these items. Today both he and McKinley have been at it. They were both full of energy with no ending in sight. We played hide and seek, chased each other around the house, played Candyland 4 times, read books, watched Spiderman, ate lunch, ran errands, and they still were as wild as could be. On our way back from my afternoon shift at x-ing, I was singing to the radio and listening to the kids talk back and forth. Tait out of no where says: "Mom, is there a problem here?"
pause without enough time for me to respond,
Tait: "because I want you to sit right here for now!"

I really do love them!